Rust for OOP - Project Management

We are starting our new series, “Rust for OOP.” And the first task is to start a new project. Of course, we need the tools to scale it up. We will also see the component and concepts Rust provides us with to scale up the project. Workspaces, libraries, executables, modules, crates, privacy boundary, paths, and external crates are all going to take part in our post today.

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Important note: This post is up to date with changes from Rust 2018, you will need Rust with version 1.32 or higher for everything to work.

Project Management

Let’s start with the facts. I’m a Rust beginner. I didn’t have the opportunity to create a big project in Rust, neither did I acquire a lot of knowledge about project layout. However, it didn’t prevent me from quickly setting up my first substantial project. I know managing code varies a lot between languages. Some do it better (Java), some not as much (C++). Your appreciation for Rust approach may vary according to your background. Unlike other languages, Rust manages to provide excellent project management, without introducing an expensive runtime environment. With Rust it is easy to build a cross-platform application, compiling to different target is as easy as it gets, integrating third-party libraries is a pleasure and building your project doesn’t require mastering a whole new platform dependent framework (makefiles I’m looking at you). And again, all of this is done without introducing an expensive runtime environment, or a virtual machine as Java does for example. Unlike C++, a comparable system language, when it comes to managing projects, Rust favor conventions over configuration. Adhere to Rust conventions, and everything will work. I believe that this smart decision is what makes a big part of the difference.

Crates - In Project

The basics of Rust project layout are simple, and common to many other languages. You have the artifacts of your project. The basics artifacts are executables(binaries) and libraries. You use binaries whenever you want to produce a runnable application. For reusable code, use libraries. Nothing remarkable in Rust. In my projects, I prefer to write almost everything inside libraries, as one can never know when he will reuse a piece of code. Usually, I want my executable to be a thin wrapper around my libraries. Rust has a uniform name for a single library or binary: crate. Meaning crate is either an executable or a library. Creating either a library or a binary crate is straightforward:

  1. To create a binary: cargo new [binary-name]
  2. To create a library: cargo new --lib [library-name]


The next concept is package. A package is a construct that contains at least one crate. The package can hold at most one library crate and as many binary crates as you would like. One of those crates can be the “main” crate. The name of the main crate is the same as the name of the package, and by convention, the entry point, where your code will go, for such a crate is src/ for a library, and src/ for a binary. By default, you place the rest of the binaries crates under src/bin. Each package has a special file named “cargo.toml”, which describes the package. It contains information like package version, name, and dependencies. It also determines the package root. All the paths I’ve mentioned so far are relative to this package root. If you want to override the defaults I’ve discussed earlier (“main” crate entry point and “secondary” binaries location) you can do it in the cargo.toml file.


The cargo.toml format is well documented, and easy to understand. You can find the full documentation on how to write one here. For me, the easiest way to understand it though was to go through a basic example of such a file:

# This is a comment
# Section in the file are marked with [].
# Variable has the format: variable_name = "value"

# Information about the package and its name
name = "tlv_message"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["oribenshir <>"]
edition = "2018"

# This is an optional tag for a library crate, by default the name will be the same as the package, and the path is src/
# You can comment the entire [lib] section and everything will work
path = "src/" # Optional as this is the default path
name = "tlv_message" # Optional as this is the default name

# Extra binary crate
[[bin]] # A binary section. Note we use two brackets, as we might have multiple binaries
name = "tester"
# path = src/bin/ # This is the default path, we don't have to specify it

# Another binary
name = "example"
path = "example/" # I want a non-default path

# This is where we state our dependencies, and their version
byteorder = "1.3.1"

More on Rust dependencies

A word of warning about the concept of package, the story of package in Rust is very weak and confusing. Usually, people will not distinguish between crates and package. For example, I’m not sure, if the secondary binaries actually introduce a full-blown crate, with all of the implication of a crate (we will see the implication later on). Also, you can have both the default library and binary crates under the same package (e.g., src/ & src/ in the same crate). There are some issues with it, though.


So far we’ve started with crates, we wrapped them inside packages, and now we will go one level higher, for workspaces. When managing a project, very often, we will want multiple libraries in our project. And as we’ve just discussed each package can contain only one library. Our solution is to pack all the packages inside a workspace. So workspace is just a container for multiple packages. As with packages, the workspace root contains cargo.toml file which describes the workspace itself. Workspaces are useful when working with IDE, or managing a complex project, where the project built from various packages, each with its own release cycle.

Code Management

We’ve covered all the “high level” of project management. From crates, through packages up to workspaces. Those constructs give the project its structure and help to organize and describe the project artifactories. But we are not done yet. When managing a project, we also need to manage the code. We need a way to organize and describe the code itself. As with the first part, we will start with crates, but this time we will go down in the hierarchy:

Crates - In Code

We’ve discussed crates from the project perspective. Now let’s cover it from the code perspective. Each crate has a primary file: src/ for libraries and src/ for binaries. This file is the entry point of your crate, and in the case of a binary crate, this is where your main function lays. You can refer every item (function/struct etc..) in Rust through its crate name. For example, if you have a function named: connect. You can access it inside your crate in the following way: crate::connect. If the function is imported from an external crate, for example, afternoon_rusting you can access it as follows: afternoon_rusting::connect. Every crate published through the official crates repository has a unique name. Of course, this is already causing problems. However, it does guarantee that as long as you use published crates, the name of each item in your code, is globally unique. crates also act as a “visibility barrier” for functions and structs, more on this later.


Up until now, we saw how to create libraries or binaries containing only one file ( But usually, we want to split our libraries and binaries into logical units and place them separately. Hence, we use modules to divided a library or a binary into multiple logical components. Each component can reside in a different file (although it doesn’t have to). There are three aspects we will cover about modules:

  1. Modules syntax, and their interaction with the file system.
  2. The path concept. We already touched it a little, without naming it explicitly.
  3. Item (function/struct/modules etc..) visibility.

The last two are general concepts which also relates to crates, but without understanding the module system, I wasn’t able to fully cover them. If you have time, I recommend reading the Rust book section for the full picture, otherwise, stay with me for a more compact version.

The syntax for modules is straightforward. In your wrap the code you want to separate into a module with the mod keyword. Modules also can be nested of course as follow:

mod my_module {
    mod nested_module {
        fn my_function() {


Sometimes we want to separate our module into a whole new file. To do it, in our we declare the module. Use the mod keyword without the module body, as follows:

// src/ or src/
mod my_module;

Then place the code of the module itself in the file src/ Don’t wrap your code with the module declaration, as the entire file is a part of the module:

// src/
mod nested_module {
    fn my_function() {


// Note but that the following module is nested module of my_module
mod my_module {
    // Module: my_module/my_module
    fn my_function() {


For a nested module the process is similar, we put the declaration inside the parent module file. Placing the file itself is different though. It should go to a sub-directory named after the module. In our case:

// src/my_modules/
fn my_function() {


If you want, you can place the code for the parent module in the sub-directory as well, in a special file named

// src/my_modules/
mod nested_module;

An important note, older versions of Rust, requires the latter syntax ( file) when you had a sub-module separated into a different file. Therefore you might find this pattern is still quite common.

Items - Path

We have seen it a few times before, but I want to define the term item specifically. Item is a component in a crate. Items contains various language constructs, which we can refer to, they are determined at compile time and reside in read-only memory. Example for items in rust are: modules, functions, types, structs, enums, constants and more.

Each item has a path. I stated that you could refer to each function and struct in Rust through its crate, which is a direct result of the path concepts. In a module, each item has a unique name. The path is the “full name” of the item. It starts with the crate name and contains all the parent modules of the item. In my example, if we will assume the crate name is afternoon_rusting, the path of my_function is afternoon_rusting::my_module::nested_module::my_function. Now you can understand why each item has a unique name across the program (assuming we are using published crates). Using a function through a path is long and tedious though. Inside my crate, I can use a relative path, which helps a little. For example inside my_module, I can call my_function as follows: nested_module::my_function. But it is still too long 😔, no worries though, Rust has a solution.

The use keyword allows you to bring names directly into the scope: use nested_module::my_function will allow me to call my_function as follows: my_function(). The use keyword is also how we work with items from external crates. We can bring a function into scope with use afternoon_rusting::my_module::nested_module::my_function. In previous versions of Rust, you had to import external crates explicitly as follows: extern crate afternoon_rusting;. This is no longer required, but you might still find it in the code you read. Some additional things we can do with the use keyword are renaming and multiple imports. use afternoon_rusting::my_module::nested_module::my_function as func will allow us to call my_function as follows: func(). When we want to import multiple items from the same crate, we can gather them together with curly braces:

use std::{
    io::{self, BufReader}, // self allows you to alias the module io it self as if you wrote use std::io

Items - Visibility

We are almost done, only visibility left. By default each item in Rust is private. You can use the item inside its module, and all of the module descendants. If you want your item to be accessible outside of your module, you can turn it into a public item with the pub keyword. Note that everyone, even from external crates, can use public fields. The following example will be used to show several rules related to visibility:

mod my_module {
    pub mod nested_module {
        pub fn my_function() {


fn example() {
    // we can access nested_module here

It is essential to notice the pathing behavior of visibility: In case we have a public item, inside a private module, the privacy of the containing module, which comes earlier in the path takes precedence. Anyone who doesn’t have access to the module as it is private, can’t access the item, even if the item is public. This works very similar to file permission in Unix. If you can’t access the directory, you can’t open a file inside the directory even if you have the permission to read it. Unlike file system though, a private module is still accessible by its direct parent (as you can access a private field you declared).

In the last example, nested_module is public, but my_module is private. It means that external crates can’t use my nested_module, as they don’t have access to my_module. On the other hand, the example function can access nested_module, as they are both under the same scope, and you can use private items from the same scope. This part definitely confused me when I learned it for the first time. In addition to the pub keyword, there are some additional keywords to expose visibility. You can read about them here. The most common is pub(crate) which will expose the item inside your crate, but not outside of it. Admittedly, the visibility rules are a little confusing, but with a bit of practice (and testing), you will understand the behavior is straightforward and predictable.

Wow, this was a long journey. There are quite a few concepts to process in here. My recommendation for this topic is to play with it. Try to create a dummy project with a lot of libraries and binaries. Each has a lot of modules. Try to play with the pub keyword. See where you can and can’t use a private item. I admit that while writing this post, I had to test some of the concepts, to make sure I remember everything correctly and that I fully understand the changes with the new versions of Rust.

I think this post was less exciting. The cool factor is definitely not as high as other features of Rust. Yet the effects of what we discuss today, make working with Rust project so pleasant. While features like ownership, pattern matching, lifetimes, and others bring you into Rust, the ease of project management will keep you in. Today post wasn’t very technical, or code oriented. Don’t worry, though. This is changes for the rest of the series. And the next post will discuss a feature that made me wonder how I will ever write C++ code again!

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